Thursday, November 28, 2019

America and Affirmative Action essays

America and Affirmative Action essays Every day in our country, affirmative action allows for certain people to attain jobs. Who are these people and what is affirmative action? These people are minorities and women, and affirmative action is the nation's most ambitious attempt to redress its long history of racial and sexual discrimination. Affirmative action can call for an admissions officer faced with two similarly qualified applicants to choose the minority over the white, or for a manager to recruit and hire a qualified woman for a job instead of a man. Generally, affirmative action decisions are not supposed to be based on quotas, nor are they supposed to give any preference to unqualified candidates. Also, they are not supposed to harm anyone through reverse discrimination. As with most controversial issues, there are two sides to the debate. The opposing side argues that favoring minorities and women goes against the American way because the battle to guarantee equal rights has already been fought and won. The supporting side's argument is that although there has been an attempt at equality for all, all are not yet on a level playing field. Granting minorities and women modest advantages is more than fair, given hundreds of years of discrimination that benefited whites and men. These sides were examined in 1973 by Philosophy & Public Affairs. Thomas Nagel's "Equal Treatment and Compensatory Justice" and Judith Jarvis Thomson's "Preferential Hiring" both defended the use of preferences but on different grounds. Thomson defended job preferences for women and blacks as a form of compensation for their past exclusion from the academy and the workplace. Preferential policies, in her view, worked as a kind of justice. Nagel, by contrast, thought that preferences might work a kind of social good, and without doing violence to justice. The terms of the popular debate over racial and gender preferences were the same as those of philosophers. Preference's defender...

Monday, November 25, 2019

3 Ways You Can Live Life Like an Olympian

3 Ways You Can Live Life Like an Olympian Photo courtesy of Press Association Have you been watching the Olympics? I sure have, and I’ve been amazed not just at the athleticism of these amazing competitors, but at the clear impact of mental and emotional strength on who goes home as a winner, and who goes home disappointed. Here are just a few of the observations I’ve been making as to what makes a true Olympian: 1. If you fall and you CAN get up, get up. Mo Farah of Great Britain won the gold in the 10,000 meters after being accidentally tripped on the 10th lap. He was uninjured and unfazed, quickly returning to the front of the pack and ultimately winning his second Olympic gold in this event. Here’s what he had to say about the incident: â€Å"When I fell down I was just thinking, ‘Try to get up, try to get up. Don’t panic, don’t panic, don’t panic.’ And then I got up, and I tried to just get through it.† In contrast stands Russian gymnast Seda Tutkhalian. Tutkhalian over-rotated on her dismount from the beam, falling on her backside, and then made exactly the same mistake in her floor routine. In the end, it was mental gymnastics that failed her. â€Å"I had been thinking about it and I was upset,† said Tutkhalian. â€Å"And on the floor I have fallen because I was upset after my fall on the beam. During the floor exercise, I don’t know, I didn’t have the strength anymore. I don’t understand why.† Are you reminded more of yourself by Farah or by Tutkhalin? I recognize myself in both of them. Farah’s attitude is one we could all stand to have when we meet with an accident, or with any kind of failure. When I make a mistake with a client (yes it does happen), or when I am made aware of a typo in my blog, I have an initial surge of despair; but I am generally able to talk myself out of panic, do whatever necessary to make amends, and cross the finish line one way or another. From now on I will have Farah’s fortitude in mind when I stumble in one of my pursuits. 2. It’s your effort that really matters- not whether you win. I heard the gymnastics commentators say again and again that the gymnasts who go home satisfied are the ones who know they have given it their all. Yes there might be disappointment, but no â€Å"what ifs† to haunt them. There are many athletes who set records for their countries while not winning medals. They have a lot to be proud of. There are others who scored their personal best. Not everyone goes to the Olympics with expectations of winning a gold medal or any medal at all. There are many ways to win. American gymnast, Alex Naddour, won a bronze, not the coveted gold, for pommel horse- but it was the first of any kind of medal in 32 years for the U.S. Naddour said he felt like he won the lottery. He shared, â€Å"This is exactly what I wanted since I was a young kid, to go out and hit a great routine, score the highest I’ve ever scored in my life, out of country.† For him, bronze was golden. I happened to catch one of the quarter-final matches of women’s beach volleyball, and I hope the Brazilian team goes home proud after losing their match in an epic battle. Yes they cried, but they gave it everything in front of their own nation, and to me that’s what matters. My own degree of satisfaction is definitely tied to how much effort I put in. I experienced this phenomenon on the dance floor this week. One night, I went out salsa dancing and felt scared to ask anyone to dance with me. I danced by myself for most of the night, and went home feeling defeated. The next night, I did not let my fear stop me and I danced with some new people, coming home having had a ton of fun. Then on Saturday, I decided to go berry picking. I preferred to have company, so I put in some effort to ask 5 friends to come with me. I ended up going by myself and had a wonderful time amongst the raspberry bushes. Knowing I had not given up was the key to my satisfaction. Picking berries was also a sweet meditative experience that inspired the idea behind this blog! 3. When you’re winning, keep pushing, and have fun! Swimmer Katie Ledecky took the lead from the start in the 800m freestyle, and she never let go of it. She was chasing something other than the 7 other swimmers in the pool: her own world record. And she beat it. So much for â€Å"Quit while you’re ahead.† Katie said she knew from the start of her race that she would have a world record breaking time. I’m guessing that having that goal kept her swimming faster and faster, even with the rest of her competitors trailing behind her by seconds. Katie won, in part, because she was there for the experience more than the medals: â€Å"I’ve just had a lot of fun this week not only in the pool but just with my teammates. The memories mean more than the medals to me.† Once again, it seems that having fun is key to performing well and maintaining the drive to win. And how about Simone Biles, who did not rest on her laurels after winning the women’s gymnastics all-around, but scored a more than perfect score on her final vault to clinch that medal too? The smile on her face after that vault showed in no uncertain terms that she was living by her motto: â€Å"If you’re having fun, that’s when the best memories are built.† Finally, the indomitable Usain Bolt. He ended a press conference by kickin’ it up with some Brazilian samba dancers. The man can dance! The same combination of pushing hard and having fun will bring success in many aspects of life, including business. Too many people become the best and then forget that they need to keep innovating to maintain their leading position. For me, it’s the ongoing striving for excellence that keeps things fun and challenging. When I noticed I was getting bored of speaking about LinkedIn, I hired a speaking coach. Already I am thinking of new and creative ways to present material, engage my audience, and promote my services. The fun is back and I’m planning to win this game. More Olympics are coming this week. What are you taking away from the amazing athletes in Rio?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

For organizational management course Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

For organizational management course - Article Example On the other hand, Wal-Mart is in conflict with any collective action form. This conflict is viewed even when their employees are not looking for unionization but looking for respect (Sethi, 2013). In foreign parts, Wal-Mart has been involved in different types of scandals, as well as multiple bribery cases. In April 2012, a tory was published by The New York Times that revealed hundreds of suspicious payments done to the Mexican officials. These payments totaled to above than $24 million (Sethi, 2013). As stated by the Times, Wal-Mart attained hundreds of fraud and bribery internal reports yearly. In the past 18 months, in Asia, there were 90 bribery reports. In conclusion, Wal-Mart has been seen to spend more than $35 million by hiring more than thirty five lawyers, investigators and accountants in dealing and investigating the bribery issues. Wal-Mart has been seen to be associated with the injuries and deaths of many workers in their places of work, particularly in Bangladesh and other nations where low-wage, low skill manufacturing

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster risk management plan Case Study

The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster risk management plan - Case Study Example From the data provided, it appears that a risk management plan was in existence. Some of the management plans were applied whereas some of the plans were not applicable due to some reasons. One of the examples of a risk management plan was to design a space shuttle program that would utilize both the liquid and solid propellants. The liquid propellant system is more reliable as compared to the solid propellant system. The flow of the liquid propellant from the storage tanks to the engine can be throttled and shut down in case of emergency whereas a solid propellant cannot function in the same manner. One of the drawbacks associated with the liquid propellants was that they are comparatively expensive than the solid propellants and hence it was impossible for NASA to hire a system totally functional on liquid propellant. A combination of both was manufactured. In 1972, NASA chose Rocker for the building of the orbiter. According to many industry leaders, the Rocker package did not include an escape system. An escape system is very effective and necessary in case of emergencies. NASA officials ignored the escape system and hence the Space Shuttle Program became the first the first U.S. aircraft which did not include an escape system for the crew. According to Mr. Moore, (NASA's deputy administrator for space flight), weather plays an important role. According to him, the specifications on the wind velocity need to be checked in order to avoid exceeding of crosswinds. This is done so that the commanders can have a clear view of the runway and so forth. In order to avoid any accidents that may be related to weather, crosswinds limits are maintained. These issues clearly enhance the project management factor. Some of the risk management plans were implied whereas some of them could not be reinforced. 2. Would there had been a better way to handle risk management planning at NASA assuming sixteen flights per year, twenty live flights per year or as originally planned, sixty flights per year Why is the number of flights per year critical in designing a formalized risk management plan The planner that was originally planned comprised of sixteen flights per year. With the increase in flights, the paper work tended to increase. The requirement for paper work completion was that it was supposed to be submitted approximately one week before every flight. The increase in paper work meant that the accomplishment of goals was getting difficult. With the increase in paperwork, the formulation of a risk management plan was almost impossible because half of the time was consumed in the paperwork of the flights. The employees of NASA were working very hard to cope up with the paperwork which was increasing with the increase in the number of flights. Increase in paperwork meant that the personnel had to work overtime which included the weekends. According to an interoffice memo that was sent from Scot Stein to Bob Lund the paperwork was making it difficult for them to handle the problems and formulating a risk management plan because half the time was taken up by the paperwork. He said that it was necessary to make

Monday, November 18, 2019

What does it mean to be the best qualified Assignment

What does it mean to be the best qualified - Assignment Example Managers know that they would do their best to maintain their integrity once they are offered a chance for they know that they do not have many alternatives waiting for them in the market. Also, people who are not the toppers in their academic career are generally more active and brilliant on the practical side. â€Å"Testing for job skills is appropriate, although employers need to be wary of testing for attributes which do not relate to the requirements of the job.† (Rey and Mignin, 2008, p. 62). It is not fundamentally important for an individual to be pre-equipped with all the knowledge and expertise required for a particular job. What is more important for managers is to make sure that the individuals they hire, have enough spark and talent to fit into the organization as a responsible employee and develop the necessary skills in the least possible time. Such people are indeed, the best qualified for the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Roles of Leadership and Motivation in Management

Roles of Leadership and Motivation in Management This paper tells about roles of leadership and motivation in the field of management, how it plays, what kind of role it plays, how it is useful in getting success of the team and theories of leadership and motivation. Introduction Leadership and motivation, from the definitions leader means that who leads the team then he will be the leader for that team. But clearly, the leader does not always go first and he develops the effective ideas and implements those ideas by motivating the team members. So leader ship and motivation both are linked together. Now leader will be the person who motivates the team and that will be his leadership. The leader to accomplish their responsibility has to be familiar with how to inspire people and be obliged to search for ways to do this so as to preserve their position has leader. A good leader must posses a vision and having a vision provides a leader with purpose. This vision can help each employee to see what the future holds and what is the results of todays extra efforts and hard work. It also display what future offers as a rational extension of todays efforts. To a leader, vision is a reality that is in the reach in the near future. Vision is not a dream, it is reflect of breadth of understanding that enables an organization to advance and compete. A good leader designs and directs a precise plan for how to make a vision reality. The best vision is generated through discussion and debate with employees who carry and implement the vision. If employees are convinced about the purpose and reasons of implementing the plan, they will do extra effort in the reaching the shared vision. The vision should have a direct link with the objective of the organization. Finally, a shared and accepted vision is the critical link to high commitment and performance by every members of organization. A shared vision not only ties individual employees with together and leadership, but also generates a positive and constructive relationship between management and employees. The main steps in the creating of the shared vision are; employees and leaders must establish a working relation for the generation of shared vision; they proactively seek out for change rather than wait for a crises that demands action; they should define a shared vision for improvement of products and services; and they implement vision with the team work and group efforts. Ethical Issues In Leadership And Motivation Actual leaders contemplate resting on undertaking the accurate obsession, not resting on deed possessions correct. With the aim of recommendation as of managerial board of advisers comes seeing with the aim of refusal bolt from the blue in the direction of respective firm leaders, according to what actives are crammed by means of easier said than done principled dilemmas. Principals knowledge suchlike uncertainties taking place an every day basis. Having ethical liabilities in the direction of the social order, on the road to the line of work, en route for the institute panel in addition to students, they come across with the intention of this frequently is not comprehensible what is correct or incorrect, or what individual have to carry out, or else which point of view is spot on within ethical stipulations. Unluckily, comparatively a small number of chairpersons have been skilled in the direction of agreement in the midst of these contrasts. In anticipation of awfully newly, principled issues were agreed modest concentration within grounding structures. Here Is An Example Describing About Ethical Issues Of School Leader A senior fellow in the leadership field comments so as to school leader countenance an only one of its kind set of moral difficulties. Academies are ethical associations, premeditated to endorse communal criterions, in addition to chiefs are ethical assistants those have to time and again create resolutions with the intention of good turn single honest worth in excess of a different. In addition, even though schools are devoted on the way to the welfare of kids, students contain practically refusal authority into what appears close at hand. Intended for all such kind of contemplates. The privileged behaviour has got to be intentionally ethical. Influentials ethical sense of duty asserts develop not merely into the palpable everyday principled confusions, other than in the routine actions and structured networks with the aim of might encompass concealed moral casual remarks. A senior fellow in managing field comments that each communal preparation settlements several persons next to the outlay of the rest of persons; merely to suppose so as to schools exemplify pleasing values are morally inexperienced, if not in the incorrect. consequently, the chief has got to not simply perform dependably at the same time as an human being, other than be obliged to produce an moral foundation or society. Since influentials, cardinals have a particular accountability on the way to put into consequence influence into a principled technique. A senior fellow in Leadership studies adverts out that much of a principals authority is moral; that means, tutors have got to be persuaded so as to the principals indicate of spectacle reflect principles they prop up. Compulsion from side to side self-important influence will hardly ever encompass an optimistic, permanent consequence or result. Examples Of Some Moral Dilemmas Are Facing By Chiefs Since distinct by a senior fellow, a moral predicament is not a selection between correct and incorrect, although an alternative flanked by two privileges. If suppose, allowing for an inducement would be an ethical enticement; conclusive if insufficient possessions have to set off on the way to an outstanding set of courses or a dissenter-avoidance structure would comprise a quandary. Confusions happen when exquisite standards divergence. A main who standards in cooperation educator self-sufficiency in addition to scholar attainment will countenance a tight spot while tutors wish for endorse a guiding principle so as to push down opportunities. This variety of disagreement is finely tuned for the reason that discipline best are unrestricted administrators by means of commitments to a lot of individuals those frequently encompass challenging principles or comforts. Must guardians be well-versed if an analyst apprentices with the intention of guardians spawn is making an allowance for an aborting? Must a learner assemblage be talented to manuscript a congregation presenter and that presenter attitudes will hurt somebodys feelings several in the commune? Should the chief hold up an educator who has completed doubtful marking pronouncements? Several educational programmers put forward those commitments towards managers or chiefs set particular weight resting on princi pled executive. Meant for case, a fellow asked chiefs to approximation how a characteristic co-worker would act in response to theoretical confusions. Compassionate frequently announced that equals or co-workers would obtain the pathway of smallest amount confrontation with adjourning to admirable or captivating place of safety in bureaucrat actions, that the theoretical social group in point of fact reproduce the standard. Ethical confectioners in general are in agreement close at hand is no moral recipe book with the intention of provides trouble-free solutions to multifaceted dilemmas. Other than a numeral of academicians encompass recommended a number of guiding principles. 1. Influential persons must have and live enthusiastic in the direction of take action lying on an unambiguous intelligence of principled values. A fellow asserts that a completely well-versed principled awareness will be full of arguments of compassionate like what perform our affairs stipulate of us? Means that a leader should know that what he is going to perform; impartiality and it tells that how can we administer ourselves fairly? Because as a leader we should administer ourselves in order to perform requirements; and assessment Where do we go down diminutive of our have possession of principles? Like these type of questions has to be developed by an ethical leader. 2. Guider should look at problems commencing dissimilar attitudes. A senior fellow described that there can be three kinds of dilemmas in any organization. One is to look forward to the momentousness of every preference and endeavor towards make out who is going to be pretentious, with in what kind of conducts. One more come up to have ethical regulations, presumptuous with the intention of the humankind would be a recovered position if populace for eternity helped definite extensively conventional principles (such as influential the genuineness). And final viewpoint accentuates thoughtful, which is comparable in the direction of the fair-haired imperative: How would we in the vein of to be appraised concealed by comparable state of affairs? 3. Superiors can frequently reassemble principled or moral issues or arguments. A lot of noticeable confusion fluctuations are in point of fact â€Å"confusion fluctuations or dilemmas, contributing a third pathway so as to abstain the either-or thoughts. If we take an example like, double-dealing with a parent who substance in the direction of a meticulous coursework assignments on spiritual justification, a most important chief or principal might be capable to discuss an substitute project, by this means cherishing educational truthfulness devoid of circumventing on guardian privileges. 4. At long last, privileged individuals have to maintain the practice of mindful indications, anywhere it possibly will show the way them. Explaining Leadership And Motivation Within The Group Here I am explaining about a group and how the leader motivates the group. Here is a brief description about leadership and motivation by taking a group as an example. This example is my past experience when I worked in the group during my graduation project work. We are five people formed as a group and our topic was how to make a successful organization and how individual should work in groups. So we searched a lot books and we collected a number of journals and we read successful managers autobiographies and we finally came up with a great subject that was a â€Å"Belbins profiles† and in that we found a very much information regarding leadership and motivation in order to get success a group or an organization should make an assembly and they should choose a leader. Here controversy comes in to the group who is going to be leader and how to choose a leader and there we found important key roles to choose a leader. Those key roles are divided like resource investigator, team worker, plant, complete finisher, monitor, evaluator, coordinator and shaper. So every individual has their own personalities or profiles like explained above. If any individual want to become leader to a respective group he should fulfill all the requirements and achievements of those profiles like resource investigator deals in investigating of resources required to achieve a success of that group or an organization, team worker should maintain healthy relationships among the coworkers and walk on the road with coworkers to get success, plant this role is very important to the team because plant means base to the team or an organization. This role links with every role in the organization, complete finisher is the role deals in completing a project of a firm or a group. Complete finishers main duty is to complete the project without loopholes. He gets a copy of the project and stars investigation from plant to every profiles role and eliminates unnecessary factors and includes if there is a need to include a particular concept in order to finish like closed chain, monitor role plays a vital role in the group that is this role duty is to monitor every individuals work from starting the project onwards till closing of the project and he should present a daily base report or feedback to the team workers and to every individuals taking part in the project, evaluators role is to evaluate the drawbacks or loopholes of the respective project, having healthy relationship with monitor and resource investigator, shaper , team worker. And about shaper this role deals with maintenance, performance of coordinator, monitor, and the structure of the project and team. So any individual wants to become leader he should have experience in the entire roles and fields witch I just explained above and also if any group wants to choose its leader that group should consider all the roles. Because leader and his leadership is everything for an organization or a group and he should have capability to motivate his group. Key factors to choose a perfect leader Leader should have the aim on to improve workplace efficiency and also to diminish the minor problems with workplace he should come with his own creative ideas in order to motivate his team. And the successful leader has a goal like in any task to get the work completed and his leadership controls efficiency and by controlling efficiency he gets control on competitive value of service and finally achieves the success â€Å"Leadership Innovation Today, fast growing organizations are built on leadership innovation, that is, they are not built by product visionaries but by social visionaries — those who invent entirely new ways of organizing human effort.† And we have variety kinds of leaderships here like Visionary Leadership in this decision making management plays an important role because for every success and failure of a management there should be an effective or ineffective decision making skills behind that success or failure. And this decision making visionary leadership puts an eye on work efficiency by moving decision-making responsibility to the frontline and there by achieves an increased efficiency. Efficiency is achieved with limited supervision. To make frontline responsibility effective, leadership must give workers opportunity to develop quality decision-making skills and learn to trust them. Standard leadership , in this standard leadership leader only concentrates on the employees work like what he said and what is going on their? And what employees are doing to get work done? And workers to be robots to get work done, this is all about leaders nature in their qualities of making decisions and makes creative quality decisions. â€Å"This is called as command and control leadership. Low efficiency is caused by the disconnect between management and the frontline. Management is busy dealing with problems that affect them while ignoring problems that affect the frontline. Front line problems are only dealt with when they explode into a major problem. K-Mart stores use standard leadership.† Policies the style of Leadership is monitored by workplace policies. â€Å"Leaders will adapt their style to the organization priorities and its goals.† High efficiency workplaces are based on visionary leadership, where workplace policies authorize decision-making responsibility at the frontline. Limited supervision is needed with worker responsibility. Standard leadership is based on mans instinctive desire for control, which is leadership by default. A leaders changing mood controls policy of the moment and no one knows what the priorities are mood-changing priorities reduce efficiency. Standard leadership requires a high level of supervision. Elements To Consider Ethical policies Ethical policies at the organizations top filter down to the frontline. It is not possible to have unethical policies at the top and enforce ethical policies at the bottom. Leaders ethical policies become the mindset of the organization. A person with high ethical standards will not stay long in an organization with low ethical standards, they will quit or be fired. A potential whistle blower becomes a threat, yet, this type of person makes an organization efficient. Success of workplace responsibility requires high ethical policies from top to bottom. Exception to the rule The military uses command-and-control leadership, yet the troops are highly skilled, motivated and morale is high. This is opposite the statements stated above. The difference military organizations are team orientated with continuous training. Troops expanding their skills and experiencing capabilities they never dreamed possible, produces a highly motivated and efficient organization. Learning opportunity and responsibility is the key.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

managerial accounting :: essays research papers

Management accounting is concerned with the provision and use of accounting information to managers within organizations, to facilitate the managers in their decision making and management control functions. Unlike financial accounting information (which, for the most part, is made publicly available), management accounting information is used within an organization and is usually confidential. (Jiambalvo) The distinction between traditional and innovative management accounting practices can be illustrated by reference to cost control techniques. Traditionally, management accountants’ principal cost control technique was variance analysis, which is a systematic approach to the comparison of the actual and budgeted costs of the raw materials and labor used during a production period. While some form of variance analysis is still used by most manufacturing firms, it nowadays tends to be used in conjunction with innovative techniques such as lifecycle costing and activity-based costing, which are designed with specific aspects of the modern business environment in mind. Lifecycle costing recognizes that managers’ ability to influence the cost of manufacturing a product is at its greatest when the product is still at the design stage of its product lifecycle (i.e., before the design has been finalised and production commenced), since small changes to the product design may le ad to significant savings in the cost of manufacturing the product. Activity-based costing recognizes that, in modern factories, most manufacturing costs are determined by the amount of ‘activities’ (e.g., the number of production runs per month, and the amount of production equipment idle time) and that the key to effective cost control is therefore optimizing the efficiency of these activities. Both lifecycle costing and activity-based costing recognize that, in the typical modern factory, the avoidance of disruptive events (such as machine breakdowns and quality control failures) is of far greater importance than (for example) reducing the costs of raw materials.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Drivers: the Most Dangerous Types Essay

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), approximately 6,800,000 car crashes occur in the United States each year (â€Å"Talking Points-Aggressive Driving Prosecutor’s Planner†). Of the 6,800,000 crashes, substantial amounts are contributed by certain types of drivers. Becoming more educated about driving and all the dangers that come along with it can be beneficial in preventing someone else from becoming one of these statistics. Of vehicular crashes, three types of drivers contribute to the numbers the most: aggressive, distracted, and teenage. First, aggressive drivers are one of the most dangerous drivers. According to the NHTSA, almost 13,000 people have been injured or killed since 1990 in car crashes caused by aggressive driving (â€Å"Talking Points-Aggressive Driving Prosecutor’s Planner†). There are a number of causes that provoke road rage. According to one survey, the number one thing that irked road raging drive rs the most was when other drivers were talking on their cell phones (â€Å"A Statistical Look into Road Rage†). Additionally, of those surveyed, 55 percent were annoyed by drivers who cut across traffic without paying attention (â€Å"A Statistical Look into Road Rage†). Other factors that provoke aggressive drivers are texting while driving, driving too fast, driving too slowly, and tailgating. Second, distracted drivers are also very dangerous on the roadways. According to the NHTSA, an estimated 448,000 people were injured in accidents where distracted driving was reported (â€Å"Traffic Safety Facts†). Further, the NHTSA reported that sixteen percent of fatal car accidents in 2009 involved a distracted driver (â€Å"Traffic Safety Facts†). Drivers under the age of 20 compile the group of most distracted drivers. A lot of factors play into distracted driving. According to the General Estimates System (GES) database from the NHTSA (â€Å"Traffic Safet y Facts†), some of the things that distract drivers most are other occupants in the car, talking on or listening to a cellular device, adjusting the climate controls and/or radio, and eating/drinking (â€Å"Traffic Safety Facts†). As reported by the NHTSA, at any given daylight moment across America, approximately 660,000 drivers are using their cell phones or other electronic devices while driving (â€Å"What is Distracted Driving†). Finally, the teenage driver can be quite dangerous. This includes drivers from ages 15 to 19. The risk of motor vehicle accidents is highest among   this age group, more than any other age group, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (â€Å"Teen Drivers: Fact Sheet†). According to the NHTSA, this group accounts for almost 282,000 of the injured people involved in motor vehicle accidents (â€Å"Teen Drivers: Fact Sheet†). Among teen drivers, the death rate for male drivers is almost two times higher than that of their female counterpart. Unsafe speeds are the leading contributor in accidents among teen drivers. Another contributing factor is the fact that teens have poor hazard detection. Their lack of experience and skill contribu tes to this. As can be seen, there are several types of dangerous drivers. Aggressive drivers take out their frustration on other drivers, resulting in many accidents. Distracted drivers allow themselves to become unfocused when their full attention should be on the road. Teenage drivers cause the majority of roadway accidents, mainly due to inexperience and lack of skill. Becoming more educated about one’s own driving style and that of those around an individual can help someone to become a better, more cautious driver. Works Cited â€Å"A Statistical Look into Road Rage.† The Auto Insurance. The Auto Insurance, 2010. Web. 31 Aug. 2013. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). â€Å"Teen Drivers: Fact Sheet.† Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2013. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). â€Å"Talking Points-Aggressive Driving Prosecutor’s Planner.† National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2013. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). â€Å"Traffic Safety Facts.† National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2013. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). â€Å"What is Distracted Driving?† National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2013.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Caesar essays

Caesar essays Caesar was often overlooked by many as a possible threat or future conqueror. Even as a mere boy he presented himself to the people as a possible candidate for priesthood. Sulla not blinded with Caesars age, discussed the question of whether or not to have him put to death. The advisors of the time found it absurd and felt there was no point in killing a boy like him. Sulla replied, That they must be lacking in intelligence if they did not see that in this boy there were many Mariuses. This was an opportunity that would not be abundant in nature but would linger on to haunt those not favoring Caesars views or actions. From a very young age Caesar demonstrated immeasurable courage and lack of fear of death. He was captured near the island of Pharmacusa by some of the pirates who controlled the sea. His actions and emotions were filled with disregard, and only took control of his situation as a prisoner and turned himself into their leader. As soon as he was set free, he manned some ships, captured and imprisoned the pirates, then took the pirates out of prison and crucified them. This was just an example of the characteristic and capabilities that Caesar would be inclined to pursue. In Rome Caesar won an astounding reputation and great popularity with his eloquence, easy manners, and friendly way in which he merged with people. With those persuasions he was able to be elected to priesthood and simultaneously made the senate and the nobles afraid that he would go on to lead the people forward on a course of violent extremism. As Plutarch quoted Caesar, Today, mother you will see your son either as high priest or as an exile, further demonstrating the uneasiness and scorn the senate had towards Caesar. Caesars intentions were divulged when he was reading on Alexander and his conquests and Plutarch described him as bursting into tears. Dont you think that I have something wo...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Earthsong vs The Makers-Book Comparison essays

Earthsong vs The Makers-Book Comparison essays Good Morning ladies and gentlemen, the nominees for Book Award in Literature are The Makers by Victor Kelleher and the Earthsong also by Victor Kelleher. Without further adieu, the winner of this prestigious award for this year is The Makers. Let me tell you how the panel of judges including myself came to the conclusion that The Makers is a more compelling read over Earthsong. Firstly, The Makers has the setting of The Keep; a huge stone fortress in the middle of the desert and the old city, the ruins of a city that is deserted and that only contains vermin. These settings are interesting and seem to have an element of evil that is exciting. While Earthsong has many settings, the snow, the desert, the jungle, and it goes on. We found that these settings were boring and too normal. Even though the animals had evolved it was just too familiar for science fiction. The next thing we compared were characters. Jeth and Rae in The Makers were adventurous, always fighting for their freedom and their cause. On the other hand, Anna and Joe in Earthsong were not thinking for themselves, Walter, the spaceship, made all their decisions, which is bad. Language in both books was taken into account. The Makers used advanced language and sometimes were too descriptive, but it helped describe the settings and gave the reader a better visualization of the book. Earthsong is an easier read but is overly descriptive in some areas. We found Walters garbled speech annoying and it slowed the book down. Lastly we looked at each of the books plots. The Makers was exciting, powerful and adventurous. While the Earthsong was just too predictable, the characters just came along for the ride with Walter. Therefore, it was clear to us that The Makers is the winner. ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

A Womans place is in the home Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

A Womans place is in the home - Essay Example Strober’s theory lays the ultimate blame for occupational segregation on the patriarchal system in which men enjoy women’s sexual, child rearing, and domestic services in the household. The immediate blame for occupational sex segregation, however, is laid on employers, most of whom are men. In Strobel's analysis, she states that â€Å"employers basically strive towards two goals (1) profit maximization (wherein if they employ a woman, they will almost invariably pay her less than a male) and (2) enforcing the economic dependency of women on men. The latter is of interest to male employers because it provides the material for the patriarchal system i.e., it forces women to become dependent wives and mothers (employers are said to worry about maintaining women’s dependency on men in social classes other than their own because threats to patriarchy in the working class may lead to threats to patriarchy within management or capitalist class (Blau 1977). Stroberâ₠¬â„¢s theory suggests that women in this society are without question economically disadvantaged compared with men, and this situation is hardly an accident of history or nature. There is obvious ideological (Williams et al 1982) legal (Kanowitz 1969) and informal mechanisms (Bernard, 19/1:88-102).Women’s jobs are not as important as men’s jobsThe notion of perpetual equilibrium sheds some light on this issue.Workers become qualified by making some type of investment in themselves where the decision to invest depends on the gain from qualifying.... sex segregation in an economy that in many other ways may operate according to neo- classical market principles. Strober's theory lays the ultimate blame for occupational segregation on the patriarchal system in which men enjoy women's sexual, child rearing, and domestic services in the household. The immediate blame for occupational sex segregation, however, is laid on employers, most of whom are men. In Strober's analysis she states that, "employers basically strive towards two goals (1) profit maximization (wherein if they employ a woman, they will almost invariably pay her less than a male) and (2)enforcing the economic dependency of women on men. The latter is of interest to male employers because it provides the material for the patriarchal system i.e., it forces women to become dependent wives and mothers(employers are said to worry about maintaining women's dependency on men in social classes other than their own because threats to patriarchy in the working class may lead to threats to patriarchy within management or capitalist class(Blau 1977). Strober's theory suggest that women in this society are without question economically disadvantaged compared with men, and this situation is hardly an accident of history or nature. There are obvious ideological (Williams et al 1982) legal (Kanowitz 1969) and informal mechanisms (Bernard, 19/1:88-102). Women's jobs are not as important as men's jobs The notion of perpetual equilibrium sheds some light on this issue.Workers become3 qualified by making some type of

Friday, November 1, 2019

Trespass On The Person; Battery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Trespass On The Person; Battery - Essay Example In the case of Wilkinson v Downtan [1897] 2 QB 57Â  emotional anguish was held to be battery, irrespective of the fact that there was no physical contact with the claimant. The defendant told the claimant as a form of bad joke that her husband had been seriously injured. The claimant suffered emotional distress and had to be taken to the hospital due to the shock suffered. The person being battered may not necessary be aware of the act or the harmful nature of the action being carried out against his/her person and causation may be direct or indirect. It is further not necessary to prove damage in order to get an award. The degree of offensive or harmful standard is measured against what a reasonable man in the omnibus would deem offensive or harmful, when he analyses the contact objectively. Further battery does not have to entail physical to physical contact, this is because, touching an object that is construed to be intimately connected to another person with the owners consent is also deemed to be battery. Further, there may be a disconnect of events between the defendants actions and the plaintiff damage; and still the court will construe battery to have occurred. If for example person A sets a trap for person B in the form of a mouse trap, battery occurs when person B is actually caught in the trap. As stated earlier it not material that the victim is aware that the tort is being carried out. A good example is when a doctor is performing a caesarian section and in the process decides to and the doctor for his own personal reasons decides to take uterus, then battery has occurred. Further battery occurs when the doctor allows the his visiting housewife to help with the operation, this is because the consent to the procedure only entails persons to who the patient agreed to and not persons she could not have anticipated take part in the process. Intent is another principle relevant to the tort of trespass to the person. It means that the person carrying o ut the tortuous act desires the consequences of his action. The American law institute further echoes this definition by construing intent to mean the consequences of the act rather than the act itself. There are various types of intents depending on the nature of one’s action consequences. Specific intent refers to a situation where A intended the actions arising from his conduct. A good example is when A, loads a gun, aims and fires at B. The subjective state that person A intended the consequence of his actions. General intent on the other hand refers to a situation where the consequences are far more reaching than the original though the actor was certain, or substantially certain of a degree of consequence. Then in such a case the law will conclude that he intended the magnitude of the consequences of his action. However, if the probability of a consequence occurring are minimal, then he the law will construe that it was mere negligence. Transferred intent occurs in a si tuation where a person A intends to assault person B but in the process, batters person C. There law will transfer intentions of A as to intending to also batter C. This was established in the case of Livingston v Ministry of defenc [1984] NILR 356 , A intended to hit B with a Baton, he accidentally missed and hit C instead. It was held that A battered C. The doctrine of transfer intent occurs in the cases of assault and battery, where an intended assault becomes a battery after the